Thursday, January 8, 2009

I know it has been some time since I last made an entry to the blog. I apologize to my millions of readers.
Trying to catch everyone up over the last two weeks: the weather over the holidays was a true mish mash. We had warm weather and some mixed precipitation just before Christmas, then on Christmas it was cold and beautiful. Some "warm" weather followed Christmas and turned the access to all our houses to some fairly treacherous ice/snow. The new year dawned cold and beautiful. Didn't get much above 10, with that gorgeous deep blue Adirondack sky. Then of course it clouded up and began snowing. Not much accumulation however. As a matter of fact it was relatively snow free until about three days ago.
On Tuesday the temps got close to 30 and it began to snow. So it was a mix of snow and rain, call it snain instead of sleet. There was about 6 inches of whatever you call it, then Wednesday night it got colder, while continuing to snow. So at least the next 6 or so inches was light and fluffy. So here it is Thursday night, still snowing, 10 degrees and it is supposed to be a very cold weekend.
Both accesses to our houses are clear and well taken care of. The only problem I forsee is where is all the January and February snow going to be plowed. The mounds are growing, thus the roads/driveways are shrinking. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next 2 /3 months.
Pictures will follow early next week.

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