Thursday, January 15, 2009

The one responsibility about having a blog was brought to my attention by my son Willie, and he said: "Dad if you are going to have a blog you have to make an entry every once in a while". So taking his advice I will try and be more consistent in posting to this blog, but no promises.

The last week has been most interesting. Over the weekend, Jan. 3 and 4, I was in NJ but we got 8-10" of new snow up here. Had to plow on the way down to the house, but it was fairly cold so even this much snow wasn't much of a problem. It snowed another 3-5 inches over the next few days. The problem is beginning to be where to put the snow. The mounds are becoming intimidating.

The most interesting thing has been the temperature. As everyone knows the cold has been coming from the West. On Tuesday night at 10:00 it was 26, by Wed. morning at 6:00 it was -7. It never got above 0 on Wed. Thursday morning, again about 6:00, it was -12. When I got home form work at 4:30 it was-4. It is now 10:44on Thursday night and -12. I haven't ever been in
-12 degree weather before and it is truly amazing. They talk about Adirondack "fireworks" at this temp. Boil some water and throw it in the air. It just kind of tails off into the air and never hits the ground. The evaporation, as with your breath, just hangs in the air. Apparently as it gets even colder the water begins to pop and freeze almost imediately once thrown into the air. I'll wait to see that, maybe later, it's supposed to be -21 tonight.

I don't know if it can snow when it is this cold. I guess that's the good news. It is beautiful up here in the winter, as I've said before, and with this cold things are beyond crisp and clean. the crunch of the snow even sounds clean. Tough on the dogs though. Our older dog, Tupper, doesn't handle it well. Lying by the wood stove is her idea of winter. Lincoln on the other hand is undeterred. If there is a stick to be chased; rain, sleet, snow or -12 makes no difference, it's heaven regardless.

Well I guess you can take this posting too far, so I will call it quits for now. I'll take a walk on the lake in the next day or so, take some pictures and include them with the next posting. As I've heard everyone up here say over the last day or so when saying goodbye; "stay warm".

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