Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 20, 2008

First real snow fall of the year yesterday. The call was for 2-4 inches, we got at least a foot. But the temperature never got much above 15 so it was amazingly light and fluffy. Easy to plow and shovel. Today it reached 10 and was one of those georgeous cold, crisp, days. Nice to be out in. More snow called for tomorrow, between 3 and 10 inches. Giving themselves a fair margin of error. Still staying cold, reaching the high teens then back into the single digits tomorrow night. First official day of winter, I guess it's only fair.
The road is in good shape. Lots of snow, but good traction so there shouldn't be any problem getting in and out. Supposed to stay cold right through Christmas. Both roads in are clear and very passable.
Happy Holidays and safe travels to all!

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