Friday, December 18, 2009

Well, into my second winter and today I saw a new low temperature. At 6:30 this morning it was -18. Now at 9:00 it is -16. I've neveer been in weather that cold. Walked with the dogs for a bit and all I can say is you better be dressed properly or it is painful.

Lake is frozen and covered in snow. Beautiful. This is what a winter should be like!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This is my first post of the winter season as to this point in time there really hasn't been any reason. The weather has been very mild and there has been no snow to speak of. However that has certainly changed in the last 24 hours. Since this morning we have been experiencing the remnants of the fabled midwestern storm. We have received I would say at least 8 inches of snow and it could be closer to a foot. No idea how I am going to get out of here, but where there's a will...

The temperature was in the low 30's last night, I got my truck hung up on a rock in the driveway, thank goodness for AAA,because it was so slippery. It is now about 15 and predicted to go to 11 or so. But they also said 1-3 inches. So much for the weather channel. Bottom line is winter has finally arrived. It is beautiful and if I can get myself plowed out and have time left over I'll take a few pictures and post them tomorrow.

As far as the lake goes, no ice yet. With the predicted temperatures this weekend I anticipate ice will begin to form, again I'll take some pictures if it does.

I hope the millions of you reading this are well.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is a week late but the ice is gone and so is the snow. Hints of Spring are in the air. They say it could be 75 this weekend.
The road needs some work. A load or two of crusher run should get back to where it needs to be.
A few lights come to life each night on the lake. More each week. Life is returning.
See everyone soon I hope.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 5, 2009

It is now April 5, and though there are signs of spring around; birds chirping, temps rising, we got 2 inches of snow last night. The ice is still on the lake but large open spots are beginning to appear so it shouldn't be long before it's gone.
The road is a pretty big mess. Some large holes have appeared, some of which I've been able to fill in, but not able to drive to the house in fear of the road giving way. Should be ready in a week or so to drive on, but some maintenance will be needed this summer I would think.
All in all it's the ugly season. Not much to write about.
I'll let everyone know when the ice goes out completely.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Yes I know it has been some time since I've posted any news, but there is a good reason. There really hasn't been any. February was a fairly tame month weather wise. Not much snow, some rain, a few cold days but not a lot to speak about. One day just melds into another.

But now March is here, and though you know there is still some winter weather ahead, you can't help but feel spring can't be far away. That's not because the weather tells you that, after all it is 6 degrees right now headed for 5-10 below tonight, and snowing like crazy, but it's March. March is followed by April and you know the rest. So even if we get a big storm, the snow can't last too long.

The funny thing is, I was thinking this on the way home tonight, it doesn't seem like winter has really been all that difficult. There certainly was some shock in the very begining, and maybe I have a short memory (many would say no maybe about that) but here we are in March, there was never a problem with the road, I never got stuck or had any type of problem with the house, pause (I had to knock on wood), that couldn't be easily fixed. Now I'm looking at another month of iffy weather and then April and mud. Not tremendously exciting, and there could honestly be more problems with the thaw than with the cold winter, but I was here last April and with one exception didn't find it to be intolerable. So I'm looking forward to the change in not too many days.

There was a big party this past Saturday night out at Corey Island. Big bon fire, snow machines, ATVs, dogs, sleds. Looked like everyone was having a good time truly enjoying the winter.

That is about it. Hopefully my optimistic outlook won't get me into trouble and you'll hear form me again shortly.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well the winter continues to amaze. It hasn't snowed for the last 5 days. It got a bit warmer over the past weekend, almost 30. However, last night, Feb. 3, it was -10 and they are talking about -10 to -20 tonight. But again, no snow.

My perspective about the winter is interesting, at least to me. Here we are in the beginning of February and I feel like we are approaching the end of winter. Everyone says March can bring a lot of snow, but my feeling is in March how long can the snow last. That last comment reminds me of the Civil War General who said, " they'll never hit us from...." We are 3 weeks from March when if it snows it will be a short term inconvenience. By then it has to begin to warm up every once in awhile to melt some snow. May make getting out of the driveway a bit tough, but heh just one more challenge.

The pictures hopefully give you a feel for how much snow we've had. And much of it has settled. Beautiful on days like this, Jan. 31.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It appears as though the cold snap has broken. Today it is a balmy 19 degrees. Almost feels like summer.

Took a walk on the lake. Very strange. In places there is about 2" of ice then about 4" of water and then a layer of ice too thick to measure. But it made walking even in the snow shoes a bit difficult. Dogs has a hard time as well. The two pictures attached are from about 200 yards out on the lake.

No snow to speak of in 4 days. Looks like we're back to "normal" winter.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The one responsibility about having a blog was brought to my attention by my son Willie, and he said: "Dad if you are going to have a blog you have to make an entry every once in a while". So taking his advice I will try and be more consistent in posting to this blog, but no promises.

The last week has been most interesting. Over the weekend, Jan. 3 and 4, I was in NJ but we got 8-10" of new snow up here. Had to plow on the way down to the house, but it was fairly cold so even this much snow wasn't much of a problem. It snowed another 3-5 inches over the next few days. The problem is beginning to be where to put the snow. The mounds are becoming intimidating.

The most interesting thing has been the temperature. As everyone knows the cold has been coming from the West. On Tuesday night at 10:00 it was 26, by Wed. morning at 6:00 it was -7. It never got above 0 on Wed. Thursday morning, again about 6:00, it was -12. When I got home form work at 4:30 it was-4. It is now 10:44on Thursday night and -12. I haven't ever been in
-12 degree weather before and it is truly amazing. They talk about Adirondack "fireworks" at this temp. Boil some water and throw it in the air. It just kind of tails off into the air and never hits the ground. The evaporation, as with your breath, just hangs in the air. Apparently as it gets even colder the water begins to pop and freeze almost imediately once thrown into the air. I'll wait to see that, maybe later, it's supposed to be -21 tonight.

I don't know if it can snow when it is this cold. I guess that's the good news. It is beautiful up here in the winter, as I've said before, and with this cold things are beyond crisp and clean. the crunch of the snow even sounds clean. Tough on the dogs though. Our older dog, Tupper, doesn't handle it well. Lying by the wood stove is her idea of winter. Lincoln on the other hand is undeterred. If there is a stick to be chased; rain, sleet, snow or -12 makes no difference, it's heaven regardless.

Well I guess you can take this posting too far, so I will call it quits for now. I'll take a walk on the lake in the next day or so, take some pictures and include them with the next posting. As I've heard everyone up here say over the last day or so when saying goodbye; "stay warm".

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I know it has been some time since I last made an entry to the blog. I apologize to my millions of readers.
Trying to catch everyone up over the last two weeks: the weather over the holidays was a true mish mash. We had warm weather and some mixed precipitation just before Christmas, then on Christmas it was cold and beautiful. Some "warm" weather followed Christmas and turned the access to all our houses to some fairly treacherous ice/snow. The new year dawned cold and beautiful. Didn't get much above 10, with that gorgeous deep blue Adirondack sky. Then of course it clouded up and began snowing. Not much accumulation however. As a matter of fact it was relatively snow free until about three days ago.
On Tuesday the temps got close to 30 and it began to snow. So it was a mix of snow and rain, call it snain instead of sleet. There was about 6 inches of whatever you call it, then Wednesday night it got colder, while continuing to snow. So at least the next 6 or so inches was light and fluffy. So here it is Thursday night, still snowing, 10 degrees and it is supposed to be a very cold weekend.
Both accesses to our houses are clear and well taken care of. The only problem I forsee is where is all the January and February snow going to be plowed. The mounds are growing, thus the roads/driveways are shrinking. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next 2 /3 months.
Pictures will follow early next week.