Thursday, December 10, 2009

This is my first post of the winter season as to this point in time there really hasn't been any reason. The weather has been very mild and there has been no snow to speak of. However that has certainly changed in the last 24 hours. Since this morning we have been experiencing the remnants of the fabled midwestern storm. We have received I would say at least 8 inches of snow and it could be closer to a foot. No idea how I am going to get out of here, but where there's a will...

The temperature was in the low 30's last night, I got my truck hung up on a rock in the driveway, thank goodness for AAA,because it was so slippery. It is now about 15 and predicted to go to 11 or so. But they also said 1-3 inches. So much for the weather channel. Bottom line is winter has finally arrived. It is beautiful and if I can get myself plowed out and have time left over I'll take a few pictures and post them tomorrow.

As far as the lake goes, no ice yet. With the predicted temperatures this weekend I anticipate ice will begin to form, again I'll take some pictures if it does.

I hope the millions of you reading this are well.

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